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Chiropractic Services
Did you know that the word chiropractic comes from a Greek phrase that means “done by hand? Therefore, chiropractic care is simply a treatment that is manually performed by hand. Chiropractors typically work with the spine, not just because it’s often the source of neck and back pain, but because it is vitally connected to the central nervous system – the system that regulates body function. Chiropractic physicians balance the body structures through specific movements of the spine (called a chiropractic adjustment), releasing the natural healing power of the body.
The Chiropractic Services We Offer Include:
Diversified-Manual Treatment
Active Release Technique (ART)
Decompression Traction System (DTS)
Graston Technique
Activator Method
Cox Flexion-Distraction
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
How You Benefit from Our Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic services are used in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, joint pain, headaches, and numerous other conditions.
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free therapies available. It is a holistic health practice that is non-invasive and non-surgical, safe and natural.
Whether you have been in an automobile accident, have sustained a sports injury, or suffer from chronic pain, our chiropractic services can help you get back on your feet and back to living your life.
Why Choose Our Comprehensive Chiropractic Services?
Your experience at Comprehensive Chiropractic will be different from anything you’ve experienced with chiropractic services and possibly other health care facilities before. No one likes hospitals or doctor’s office, that’s why we’ve created a serene, welcoming home-like environment where you can relax and be comfortable. When you walk into our chiropractic facility, we want you to feel like a welcomed guest, not like a patient. We invite you to take a look for yourself. Click here to see a Virtual Tour.