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Functional Medicine Pricing

Functional Medicine treatment plans range from 90 days to 12 months, with the end goal of getting you to a Wellness Plan, which consists of 2-4 visits a year. Treatment plans are highly personalized for each individual patient and tailored to the needs and goals that the patient has for their health. All treatment plans consist of a combination of one-on-one visits, group visits, and ongoing education.

Prior to starting a treatment plan, Dr. Patton will outline the details of your specific treatment plan including the number of visits, the types of visits, testing that may be needed, etc.

Discovery Call: Complimentary


Initial Consultation (Includes the Comprehensive Patient History Tool) and Report of Findings: $429.00


Lab Work and Advanced Testing: Cost varies.  Labs are personalized for each individual patient treatment.


Follow Up Visits: $129


Group Visits: $39


Wellness Visits: $89

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